Payment Instructions

This is one of the most important pages on our platform and we recommend that each and every customer reads through in order to understand our payment methods, how our payment works and how to complete payment before placing your order.


Payment Methods
Firstly, we will like to state out our primary methods of payment . However, if you do not see it here that does not mean that we do not accept it as this list is only a list of our primary methods of payment. Note that payments are not automatic so with all payment methods you will have to manually send payment

PayPal. PayPal is one of the most trusted method of payment world wide and mainly accepted by every major business out there, however, not every country supports PayPal

How to Pay Through PayPal
After placing your order and selecting “Pay With PayPal on the checkout page, you will see a message with our PayPal email address, copy the email address and log into your PayPal account then manually send payments as friends and family to the email address and send us a screenshot of the transaction to our service email which is [email protected] with your email subject being your order number

How to buy Bitcoins

Step 1. Register

Register an account with LocalBitcoins. You get a free and secure online bitcoin wallet. No additional apps are needed. If you already have an account, skip to the next step.

Step 2. Search for advertisements

Go to the main page and in the search box fill in the form with the amount you want to buy in your currency, your location and choose a payment method. If you’re unsure how you want to pay, choose “All online offers” as your payment method. The site will list bitcoin traders available in your region.

Step 3. Select an advertisement

From the list of advertisements, choose one from a trader with a good reputation score and a high amount of trades. The response time indicator shows if a trader replies within five minutes (green), within 30 minutes (yellow) or slower than 30 minutes (grey). You can click the ‘Buy’ button to view more information about an advertisement.

Step 4. Pay the seller

After you press the ‘Buy’ button you’ll see more information about the advertisement, including the terms of the trade. Read through them before submitting the trade request, if you don’t agree with them you can go back to the previous page and choose another advertisement.
To start the trade, type in the blue box how much you want to buy, enter a message for the seller and click the Send trade request button to the start the trade. Be sure you’re ready to pay when clicking the button, if you don’t pay before the payment window is over, the trade will be automatically cancelled.

Step 5. Mark payment complete

Once you have made the payment, click the I have paid button. Once the trader has verified that your payment has been received your Bitcoin will be released from escrow and they are instantly available in your LocalBitcoins wallet.
And that’s all there is to it, congratulations on your first Bitcoin trade!

Bitcoins is the safest method of payment online since it is untraceable and not regulated by any banking authorities. However, if you have Bitcoins then you already know how to send payments so all you will need will be our Bitcoins wallet address which will appear on the screen after the checkout page if you select Bitcoins Payment on the checkout page.